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Graco Fusion PC Gun Rebuild Cartridge, 1 Pack 19Y300

Manufacture part number: 19Y300

SKU: 249657

Fusion PC Gun Rebuild Cartridge, 1 Pack **Available in bulk packs**
  • Sprays exactly like a Fusion AP
  • Integrated A/B check valves all but eliminate the possibility of cross-over
  • 15 parts are replaced by a single cartridge
  • Eliminates the need to purchase fluid section o-rings
  • Spare cartridges can replace your back-up guns


Combined with a Fusion PC gun or Fusion AP gun outfitted with the ProConnect Retrofit Kit, the Fusion PC cartridge delivers you a perfect rebuild in seconds. This all-in-one cartridge head replaces multiple individual parts of the fluid section with a single component. Simply replacing the cartridge completely eliminates the need for a time-consuming traditional rebuild, keeping you spraying and minimizing costly downtime.

A single cartridge replaces the entire fluid section including o-rings

  • Sprays exactly like a Fusion AP
  • Integrated A/B check valves all but eliminate the possibility of cross-over
  • 15 parts are replaced by a single cartridge
  • Eliminates the need to purchase fluid section o-rings
  • Spare cartridges can replace your back-up guns


1 lbs


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